Message from SaLuSa from Sirius - 21/06/2015

We know, that you Earthlings have a lot of weapons. However, wars only lead to bad and you realize, that earthly civilization wants to get the status of a highly developed, but it is understood, as that you stop fighting with each other and come to the world peace. Then you Earthlings will learn the most important thing – not to kill the Ones of your own kind. You have to learn to coexist peacefully with each other.
You understand, that peace – this is what you need for your further development. People of Earth can and are able to reach this peace. You must strive for peace through thick and thin. You need to have tolerance for other people, herein skin color does not matter and not wanting to fight with each other. You have to stop hating other people and stop to wish them harm. You will love other people, if you find in them a heart, which can love and have compassion. We know, that you Earthlings have a lot of excellent qualities, that you need to reveal in you.
Mother Earth wants to see you being different. You should not destroy it, but to feel love for her, to value her and take care of her. Each of you is capable of it. You should understand, that it is necessary to do that now.
Your hearts are ready to receive a light beginning into them, which is the Light of your souls and so you know, that all of you are different and you should find something similar in each of you. Therefore, you will find in each other many similarities and it helps you to understand, that you are one with all the other people on this planet. This is, what it is called the Core of all the people of the Earth.
You grow spiritually and the Earth will support you. In you lies the power to reveal a lot of qualities, such as the intelligence, grace of the soul, righteousness, peacefulness and the others. You can get paranormal abilities such as clairvoyance, telepathy, the gift of healing, seeing auras, you will be able to possess them, if the third eye opens in you.
You understand, that you are Earthlings began to live in the new century, which will mark a new period in the history of the mankind and you Earthlings get the new technologies and discoveries from this age. Earthly life is changing. Everything is going in a new way. People have learned to use the new technologies, which lead them to the digital age. But people know, that all this generalized change their lifestyle and life flows differently. So you, Earthlings, open a lot of new things in your life, which continues further. You know, that these technologies will lead you into the New Age and this condition the development of humanity.
I – SaLuSa would like to thank you for that you love me I appreciate your efforts to become Light beings. With this we conclude. We send our Love and Light to you Earthlings and we wish you joy in your life and good luck.
Thank you, SaLuSa!
Channeled by: NaNiYa
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