Message from SaLuSa from Sirius - 30/05/2015
We know that you Earthlings live on this earth for millennia, and you've got a lot of knowledge through your life on this planet, so you have the experience of incarnations in many centuries during the years of the life of mankind. You had not yet experience of incarnations at this time, which has now come and so you know, that you do not live in vain, and so you get a new experience for yourself and therefore it is your travel into this world which was full of all sorts of events, which will lead you directly to the lifting of your soul. You got a chance to ascend into the new dimensions at this time, which has now come. Therefore, you go straight on your way and nothing can bring you down from it. There is nothing to lose heart, discouragement is useless torment for yourself and so you should be more balanced and optimistic.You have gained a lot of karma for this and previous lives, and therefore it should be cleared. This is not terrible, if you are not criminals, therefore you clear your karma very quickly and it's a good sign. That means, that you quickly get rid of karma and so you begin to understand, that you are here not in vain and all this is a plan of your destiny, created by your Higher Self so you live according to it.
This life is not given to you simply – you fulfill the Plan of your life and so you have a life, which you can modify, but it also will be set up by the Plan of your life.
You do not have a hundred of different lives in this moment, so you have to cling to that life, which is now given to you and keep it, as something especially valuable. In the real life, you may be maimed, but that are all manifestations of the previous karma and you must survive, in spite of everything.
Life can become easy, if you learn to live so, that the bad will go away quickly, just believe in this, that you live to obtain from this life a portion of joy and happiness, so you know, that you live for the joy and good luck. You must pass through the bad, having fastened the heart and believe in that all will be better and you will understand, that so it is, life should be directed to the best direction with the help of your perseverance and a strong desire to change the life.
You should understand, that you are created to live in this world and change it for the better, because this is real. This is appeal to the Lightworkers. I, SaLuSa from Sirius, write to you about that you have to carry the Light into this world and be ready for the new tasks, that you have to accomplish and so I know, that you have experienced a lot of difficulties on your way и and I thank you for everything, that you have done, as for Mother Earth, as well as for humanity.
God Father loves you and you can rely on him. God is the source of everything that is and he can not forget about all of you, so he protects you and gives you hope. So do not forget him and believe in him. That was SaLuSa from Sirius, among the members of the Galactic Federation of Light. We bless you and send you Light and Love.
Thank you, SaLuSa!
Channeled by: NaNiYa
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