23 November 2014

Message from me and my Higher Self - 23/11/2014

The nature is an important and precious treasure that the planet Gaia possesses.
The Earth's nature is beautiful, and also very fragile. It is a set of the terrestrial ecosystems fully interdependent the ones with each others.
But, now think of all of the damages made by the Man on this planet.
Since earlier times, with the commencement of technological progress and including today, the planet and her nature have received a different serious damages. And, meanwhile the ecological situation is, today, getting worse. Take a close look on the degrees of received damages by the Earth and the significance of those damages, received by the Mother Gaia and by the Nature of the planet.
The reason of it all?
The bad and irresponsible human activities on this planet. The human destructiveness on the planet, the bad actions harming her, pollution of air and water...
The main causes of ecological problems on this Earth is the destruction of the nature caused by the Man and also irresponsible, bad and dangerous anti-ecological actions leaded on this planet.
So, now I will say, Gaia and her nature are endangered now.
People, think some more times about the Earth, and her nature, and animals, birds, fishes, plants, flowers, water, rivers, ponds or seas - all that amazing nature is suffering now from an artificial pollution.
This beautiful and awesome nature, it was a great gift that the destiny offered to you, the peoples of this planet.
Take care of the nature and of this Earth, the planet: love her, send her your positive energies, also help the animals and the nature, if you can do this.
The situation on the planet is not yet desperate. So go ahead into the beautiful ages while conceiving the human technologies which will respect the planet and the nature and don't damage her. This objective is really attainable.
All assembled together, we can make the better world on this Earth! Begin from right now! The peoples of this Earth can live very well in the harmony with the planet and her still enough rich natural world.
Sending you, Earthlings, Healing energies, Love and Light. And my personal wishes for the Peace in this world.
By: NaNiYa

20 November 2014

The Sirian language - the extraterrestrial language.

Here I want to give you some notes about the Sirian extraterrestrial race language.
The language of the Sirian civilization is very old and extremely rich. There are really much more words that in any of the languages that are present on this planet Earth. Also, the Sirian language is a very developed language.
So there are much of words, alike that if you try to traduce them to the terrestrial language exactly, then you can't do this, because they are meaning the concepts of the reality that aren't discovered yet by your humanity (too young by cosimic standards). This world or universe is not a very simple thing that is, and the Sirians tried to describe it as well as possible, with especially created appropriated words. So there are much words meaning the nuances of something, that your terrestrial languages are more likely omitting and don't invented yet, instead of prefferring to use a new word to mean a nuance of something or in inverse a word meaning an entire and whole thing or concept.
The Sirian language contains nearly the same number of consonants, as do most of your Earth languages, but with a little more of additional consonants, that these languages maybe don't have. The Sirian language contain also a sufficient number of vowels. It also contains five major vowels, which are strung together to form words. Because verbs and nouns are given equal weight in the Sirian language, our sentence structure will seem strange to you.
The Sirian language is contextual in its nature. For example, the word "Selamat", which means condition, precedes words in a greeting or salutation to emphasize the word or phrase that follows. "Selamat Ja!" means "may a condition of Joy or oneness be present".
These words can be broken down into a number of basic proto-words. Normally, these consist of a consonant combined with a vowel. For example, the word for the main continent of Muktarin (name of one of the planet of star Sirius B) is "Sa-ka-ra" or "the soul of female creativity". "Ra" is the principle of female creativity: "Ka" refers to the body guardian or its soul: and "Sa" denotes the entirety of anything. This same principle of construction of words is found in your words much of times.
(*A part of informations that I mentioned here comes from the different articles with channelings from Sirians by Sheldan Nidle, and by Drekx Ω, also some are coming from an other diffrent sources, also I got some information because of my telepathic communication with the Sirian extraterrestrial people.)

I will give you here some words, that I know belong to the Sirian language and build here a short glossary of a Sirian Language.
Dratzo - Hello
Ta - Heaven
God/Creator- Ja Ta - Joy of Heaven
Va Ta - Thing of Heaven - Water
Sa - One, Individuum, Living
Ga - Faith, Belief
Ka - soul or spiritual guardian of body
Bha - Soul
Jarin - Ultimate Joy
Selamat Jarin - Blessings
Bregga - Bridge
Zazuma - Thank you
Selamat Gajun - be One
Selamat Ja - Be in Joy
Selamat Jalwa! - Be in Everlasting Joy!
Jai Bashara - Good Day
Selamat Majon - Rejoice
Selamat Bakir - Welcome
Dramu Kasi - Much love
Selamat Bratzo! - Be in Satisfaction
Selamat Balik - Heartfelt welcome
Zauda Zagon - We come as One in the Light
Selamat Kasijaram - Be blessed in Love and Joy
Selamat Kasitaram - Be blessed in Heavenly Love and Joy
Sirius - Akonowai - The blessed path
Taj Jai Dan - Happy New Dawn
Selamat Kasijaram Zau - be blessed in the love and joy of spirit
Third planet - Atarmunk - Holy place of the Atar (eagle like bird)
Atar - Sirian bird that ressembles mostly to an eagle
Fourth planet - Muktarin; Land of the blue seas
"Rim", "-rin" or "-ran" signifies - ultimate
Selamat Kasi Da! - In Loving Service
Musal - Day
Akanowai Dajoie - Place of spirit star nation
Ya - Love, Sageness, wisdom
Da - Service
Ni - Heart
Na - Sky
Aktaiwa’ - Summoning
Mayete - Fidelity
Tananae - Friendship
El- Light
Akonowai - the blessed path
Gosho ba shen! - Action for All!
Selamat Matah! - Peace Be With You!
Selamat El - Let there be the Light

Article written by: NaNiYa

16 November 2014

Meditation "Cleansing your consciousness and spiritual protection"

Firstly, sit in the pose of Lotus. Relax, respire profoundly, then say these words, like a mantra:
The pure sacred energy of this universe fill me with you! Enlighten me!
Give a wise mind to me, and set me free from the dense dark and negative energies. Let me arise to the higher dimensions. Let me share my Light with the Ones, that are needing it.
God Father, protect me from the evil minded Dark Ones and their evil-desires. I believe in the divine Light, it's a savior of the Live in this universe.
The Saint spirit help me in my life path! The Guardian angel, my protector, please save me and protect me! Give me a strength and make my inner Light shine brightly!
Continue to relax yourself while meditating, feel the universal energy enter into you (just try to realize it), revitalize you and give you more strength and wisdom. You can repeat this meditation several times in a day.
Author: NaNiYa

15 November 2014

Spiritual Meditation - "the tide of spiritual forces"

Dear adepts of various meditations, Lightworkers or simply readers!
I consider it is necessary to publish a short article here about a very useful meditation that I use constantly and which is very beneficial for me.
Here is that short meditation and its rules, which I invented and I use every day now. It gives the tide of spiritual forces, helps to cope with a sense of moral and spiritual energy loss, which is very important in these today's rather difficult times of transition.

Words for meditation:
Light Energy which abides in the space around me, fill me with your Light, give me the Strength and the Courage to keep the Light within Myself, let fill my soul with the Goodness and Purity, cleanse me from the dark energies which are oppressive, bitter and evil. Let me no more feel the Weakness! But find the path to joy and be able to shed my radiant Light on the whole World around me!

Uttering these words, you need to envision a stream of pure White light over you, descending on you from above, a flow of energy that fills you up from all the sides. You have the possibility to stretch arms to the sides, hands apart and imagine that you absorb this energy inward your body across the surface of your skin of hands and arms, and also with your breast and heart. After, you will have a sense of relief on your soul, a feeling of a presence of Light with you, that will give that you a feeling of joy and grant you a new forces in you... Thus, you can sit down in meditation posture, just as do the yogas. The longer and the more you practice it, the easier and faster you will receive a beneficial effect and a burst of energy from such a practice.
This meditation will help you to raise your vibration level and give you a charge of positive energy for the whole day. You can repeat this meditation several times a day!


7 November 2014

Message from SaLuSa from Sirius - 07 november 2014

The Ascension is still going on constantly, that is a process fully affecting your consciousness, so then you, the person, become aware that you learn, gain different kinds of experience and grow spiritually.
People should strive for a new state of unity, where mutual respect, moral qualities are above all other ideas. Earthlings have to understand that they must collectively change their way of life and ways of activities, dangerous for the planet Gaia and causing her damages, on the image of environmentally responsible existence on your planet of Mother Gaia. Higher levels of spirituality give you a certainly greater responsibility for your actions and capabilities. Biomatrix is trying to hold you attached to it, and the person, trapped in its biomatrix grid cannot get out of its attraction, so you need to know, that the high of spirituality increases your chance to escape from captivity of this biomatrix system and prepares you to the transition to the new, higher dimensions.
The work of Lightworkers inspires, primarily, the respect, as many of them are performing their work selflessly and make a great contribution in the development of your Humanity and your spirituality, so we, the members of the Galactic Federation of Light express a great gratitude to them, and of course, expect their advancement on the sacred path of Light.

The Ascension, it is a process, which is often slow, although it depends on an individual, which had made a choice in favor of the Ascension, how quickly his own Ascension will be passed.
We, the Ones from the Galactic Federation of Light, thank you, our friends and our helpers for all the help provided to us and bless you in your life choices. Therefore we leave you with our best wishes!

Thank you SaLuSa!
07 November 2014

Channeled by: NaNiYa