Message from SaLuSa from Sirius - 25/05/2014
Our greetings to you, Earthlings! We, the Sirians are a peaceful and highly developed extraterrestrial civilization that wishes Peace to your terrestrial civilization. The Humans of Earth, know that killing, warfare and destructiveness never lead to a good outcome. We, the collective of the extraterrestrials of the Galactic Federation of Light will offer a certain help to your humanity in its development, but know that it is only you who creates your Destiny, that is so, as well as for a separate individual, as well for the humankind itself. We, the united benevolent extraterrestrial community, in way to offer you assistance, have a precise missions concerning this planet Earth and its humanity which are of a protective and supporting character, and give to the terrestrial humanity a warning, tending to prevent you, the terrestrial Humans from starting making wars or conflicts, in particular in reason of their extremely dangerous nature toward your humanity and this planet and the life on it, which had increased much today, by giving you a spiritual and universal advices that are helping to dissuade you from doing such a bad actions. But do not be frightened, we are anticipating the future of this planet and of your humanity, which will be bright, just believe it.Be only responsible for your negative, harmful actions and such a bad actions do not lead to the good results, because they create a negative karma and the positive and good actions aren't creating karma, but in inverse, they are erasing your karma, also contributing to advancement of your soul in its development, and that's is the good way to clear your karma. Never see the karma as a scary curse of your life. Karma is not in reality something to damage your soul, but it is a teaching mechanism for it. The karma is a Universal mechanism, that teaches the soul how to evolve to the spiritually higher stade of its development. It exists only to make your spirit advance to the path of a superior consciousness, Peace, Wisdom and Goodness. This life is a training scenario for your soul to make it evolve and be better than ever. That isn't something to neglect. Have a responsible viewpoint on your life and on your relation to the life of others. We are the highly evolved Light Beings that know and understand the Truth of that existence and say to you that the respect of the life is a most essential thing. Do not ignore such an advice, we are the life keepers and that is an example for you. We are ascended and we are living in the Christ Consciousness, so then we are inviting you to follow our path to attain the stade of spirtual awakening and an expanded positive counciousness remaining on the high vibrational feelings base and not a negative perception of the all encompassing reality. The Christ Consciousness is in its core the substance of goodness and the conception of helping and saving. We, the Ones, belonging to the side of Light, are helping to the Universal Live in this cosmic region to persist, and we and you are indeed the part of it.
By the way, know that the counciousness turned from the Light to darkness could be destructive and can make harm to itself by its destructive attitude, what is a real sign that you are on a wrong way. God is being ever awarding the benelovent Beings and the Ones, whose assignment are to be saviors, not destructors. The Light is the guiding essence leading you to the higher level of your development as spiritual you is to remove a non-positive stereotypes of consciousness, imposed on you by the malevolent dark proponents of the negative self-centred ideas, to free your mind and soul from the blocks, very objectionables, imposed by them, but remind your task and a need is to be responsible regarding the Life, and don't damn a single creature to the suffering. The principle of Duality is not allowing you a true mind and consciousness freedom, so you need to move spiritually on your life path, away from the negativeness of Duality making steps towards the Light. But in a case, when you are permitting to a part of darkness remain in you, you should encounter setbacks and a side of darkness is withstanding to accept to liberate you from its ties. So you will need an inner courage to truly get rid of them.
The God Creator had permitted you to ascend from Darkness to the Light and frees your soul from suffering. We, the members of the Galactic Federation of Light do not violate your free will, and, keep in mind, your soul will never be lost because your souls are inherently verily immortal, having come here after a long period of incarnations. Your personal intuition will show you precisely the moment when your heart is ready to open to the Light and your soul is prepared to discover the enlightenment. We, and the other benevolent Light Beings want to be your helpers and each of you can be a helper and savior of yourself and of the others, in a many cases on the connected jointly individual paths of life.
The Light energies are regularly sent to this planet Gaia and to all the Beings present on it without any exception and the Light spreads throughout your world, raising the level of vibrations on the planet.
Blessed be! All of us, united together, are sending you our Love and Light.
Thank you, SaLuSa!
Channeled by: NaNiYa