Message of the Archangel Raphael on 31 December 2018
This world will be attained by the big changes, there is much of Beings who love this world and this planet Earth. But this doesn't mean that the Love is unattainable for the other people on this planet. The Light shines bring in this world. You are able to be the saviors. That means that you can take the right path. The Love and Light are you wealth which will give you the possibility to save yourself and the others.
The Ascension is your unifiying with your Higher Self and with the luminous worlds. This planet much become the sanctuary of Light. The darkness will go away in a some period of time. Also, the enlightened One still haven't enough to work with the task to bring the light future to all the people. The light Ones are accompanied of a lot of Beings who are developed sufficiently to teach the others to be light. Let there be the Love forever with you. The Peace needs to win on the whole planet. The warfare and its disastrous path will be deleted. The Peace of all the planet is coming. Therefore you are its constructors. So everyone who stands for the Light please unite together. The Love and Light will eternally sparkle on this planet Gaia.
Let there be the happiness with you. I am Raphael the Archangel. May the blessings remain with you!
Channeled by: NaNiYa