16 December 2015

Message from SaLuSa from Sirius - 15/12/2015

 Earthly people, you know that on your planet there is hunger, wars and suffering. Today we wanted to talk about love. The Sirians know, that you people must love each other. It is important. You must know, that we are not afraid to persuade you to remove completely the wars. We Sirians know that you, the people of Earth do not understand, what peace is really. Not everyone of course, but some of you. Peace - it is is a concept, which everyone should understand, but this means, that you love one another and want of the mutual happiness and also tranquility in the life. You should not limit other people in their lives, because they need Light and freedom. Light is something, that brings joy to people and outputs them out of darkness on the clear side, where the Light shines.
 Love is something what should be in our hearts. And so, you have to live with a heart full of love.
Love as you know, does not give room for hatred. Love gives Light to your souls. You have the right to live in the Light and quietness, it is sacred. The Love - this is the step, that you need to do in relation to the others.
 The Light will lift up you into the higher dimensions and you have to trust it. Spirituality is the essential for you. You came in this world, to realize, that the world of duality will collapse and you will see, that life has become different. You will understand, that the world, where you live is an illusion which leads you along. You have to understand, that the world should not force you to kill or to malice. This is its dark program. In fact, you should live in the Light and peace and then it will be a complete paradise on the Earth.
 The Sirians love you, earthly people, and they want to help you. Your civilization will be similar to ours, when you develop enough.
 In this world you are made as friends and foes. But you have to find a way to rid yourself of malice, as from a rotten feeling.
 Your vibrations should raise and you realize that that are you going to the Light. Therefore, love in your hearts shouldn't go off. It is a symbol of your victory over evil. Everyone can defeat the evil in themselves.
 People on Earth, learn to be good. The dark cabal can not hold you in its hands. You must become free. Love and Light will take you from the darkness of the dark bondage.
 I am SaLuSa from Sirius and I send you Love and Light. So be glad, in your lives there will be afresh Light.
 Thank you, SaLuSa!
Channeled by: NaNiYa

14 December 2015

Message from me and from SaLuSa from Sirius - 14/12/2015

The new dawn of the life is arriving right now, the world is changing. The people of the Earth may decide to make this planet become a real paradise. The Golden Age is, meanwhile, arriving. People of Earth, never forget about these words: Love, Light and Peace. These are keywords to make the world happier. Be numerous to remember this. Stop make wars, search for the peace. The God is with us, never quitting his children. We are the beautiful Creation, so the children of our merciful God Father. Endowed with Love in his heart, the human of today is changing into a better Being. The heavenly Light today is changing you, many of you, the humans, you develop with the Light and become better and more elevated spiritually.
Make all the wars be the part of the past of humanity and declare now the peace to your fellow. We can achieve this goal of the real global peace.
We need only the will of everyone at once.
Work for the Light for the better of all. Each of you can help us, the Light forces.
Love and Light will save this world from the darkness of the dark cabal.
The people will save this world by the force of Love. We all are One.
Me and SaluSa from Sirius are sending you Light and Love.
The channeler NaNiYa and SaLuSa from Sirius.

5 December 2015

Message from SaLuSa from Sirius - 05/12/2015

The inhabitants of the Earth, you live in the New Century, that will change you. There comes a time of Light. You will see, that the Light surrounds you and it will help you to open in you a new I, ascended and getting the spirituality inward. This is the Light of your dreams, about that you, people in your life turn into a light Beings, liberated from an evil and dark beginnings.
 The Mother Earth opens to you the new doors to a new life - in Ascension and in Love. The power of Light is forever with you. The Love and Light - here's what that must to prevail for you in the world.
 Your souls are growing, Light helps them in this.
 The dark Ones know that they do not progress spiritually. They are closed to the light. Love for them is an unknown sense. They are willing to grow spiritually, but they can not afford it. They are locked on the dark side of the world and still remain in the dark. But their power is low. Many of them still believe in the victory, but the Light will show them a different path. The Light forces can help them to change themselves and become lighter. They will not win the war against the Light Ones.
 The Sirians are acquainted with all of your latest achievements and so we know a lot about you. You, people of the Earth need to understand that, that this Earth must be priceless for you. You must not destroy it with your wars. But you know, that your weapons can destroy it quickly. So you have to wish to each other the peace and a quiet life.
 The New Earth will be a paradise for you. But you must decide to act together to stop the wars and the murders. You have to live for the happiness of yourself and the others. You are not destroyers, you are creators. Therefore, your world must be another, full of goodness and lightness.
 We have overcome those of your mistakes that you are currently committing on this Earth. We survived and became stronger, so we, Sirians are a light civilization, which can also help you. We will be glad, when you will rise spiritually and you will be light and good.
 Thereon, I - SaLuSa from Sirius, I stop speaking and I send you Light and Love.
 Thank you, SaLuSa!
 Channeled by: NaNiYa