26 April 2015

Message from SaLuSa from Sirius - 25/04/2015

 The wave of changes goes in the world. The pace of development of your human civilization is fast enough. The Golden Age will come and we are talking about your near future. Lightworkers have done a great work and because of this, there are huge thanks to them. The Light on the Earth continues to spread and it is very good.
 The Ascension continues for some of you. This is a special stage of transformation for your soul and its transition to a new stages of existence.
 The sun continues to rise for all the people living in this world and in this, there is some merit.
 You are creating the world around you, because it all depends on you, what will be the situation around you and your life as a whole.
 You go straight on the steps of your development, including the spiritual side of it. Sometimes bad things happen to you, but you can relive them. Do not get out of your correct path that you have chosen at the beginning, in terms of spirituality, I mean. Your vibrations level must be high and you need to find ways to keep it as such. Being a high-vibration beings gives you inner strength and Light, as well as a better mood and youth. Optimism rejuvenates the body and gives you a better look.
The world is today full of conflicts and there are places where wars are waged. We look from our ships at these events, but the responsibility for them lies on you, the people of Earth and it is your task to resolve them. This is the places where energy is particularly low and dense. In the areas of conflicts, this is not the place of high-vibrational energies.
 We, the Galactic Federation of Light wish you progress in resolving these conflicts and global peace.
 We send you our Light and Love, and we wish to call ourself your friends. With that, I will leave you wishing you welfare, happiness and good luck!
Thank you SaLuSa!
Channeled by: Naniya

25 April 2015

Message from SaLuSa from Sirius - 9/04/2015

 Increasingly more of the people begin to awaken spiritually, therefore we understand the importance of spirituality for you. Spirituality is definitely important for any civilisation, as well as for yours, particularly in this key moment of the development of your civilisation. More and more of the people comprehend us as a beings of high spiritual level.

 We want to show you, Earthlings, our friendliness to you. Because we remind to you, the Earthlings that we will prevent any disastrous changes on the Earth, ourselves being present at your planet covertly. We are disposed to help this planet, as well as the civilisation living on it. We know that you are on intermediate phase of development of your human civilisation on Earth.

 Always remember that human soul shouldn't be killed. For such an act of crime, you are waited for by a severe cosmic punishment as heavy carma, which will pursue you, after accomplished crime. The highest energies begin to dominate on the planet Earth, therefore many Earthlings will feel relieved, as it positively influences their destinies. The forces of darkness do not want to give up, but they will have to decline many begun plans which they thought to execute earlier and that will be of one of victories of Light forces above the dark Ones.

 We understand that for many of you live is not easy at the present, but you understand that for yourself, you can change anything, and for the better. Hope always to the best.

 We send you our Light and Love, as well as kind wishes.

 Thank you, SaLuSa!

 Channeled by: NaNiYa