28 January 2015

Meditation “Cleansing by the light”

Sit down, crossing legs or in the pose of the lotus, put your hands, palms upwards on your knees and utter these words (you can whisper):
 Light energy, fill me with your force, make my soul brighten, give me a Mind which would be pure and bright, and awakened from all the states of spiritual emptiness and darkness, and any conditions of spirit which are dark and heavy.
Give me to become even more light and illuminate, the sacred Light, the path of my life. Fill my heart with you, so that it begins to shone from the Light shining within itself and give me to feel this Light, pure and undefiled, coming from my heart.
Light, fill all my soul by yourself, clear it from the dark energies, oppressing both harmful for me, and my soul purified with the Light. Give it, to my soul to be awakened and to shine with white, clear Light, even among spiritual gloom and total non-spirituality.
Consecrate me, pure sacred Light. And let me to bear you, the Light, to this world that is; and so that Light inside of me will never die away!
Reading these words, reflect on them, plug into the action all of your senses, try to feel with your heart and with all your being, all what was spoken  in these words, try to mentally visualize that Light, coming from you.
Meditate a few minutes or or slightly more, according to your preference, believe in the words of this mantra for real, believe in your spiritual powers and in yourselves.
I hope that this meditation will help you in your spiritual enhancement and will be useful to you.
Good Luck.
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27 January 2015

Message from SaLuSa from Sirius - 25/01/2015

 In spite of numerous attempts to seize power above the world, the dark clique will not get the desired. The Earthlings feel that the victory of Light Forces is not far off. We, the extraterrestrials, belonging to the coalition of the Light Forces, try to win victory and then to keep it for us.

 Sirian civilization expresses to the Terrestrial One its wishes to take the path of environmentally-friendly development, in order to stop the damage to the nature of Mother Earth.

 People need to learn to put up with each other. However, always choose with whom you will communicate, it is desirable to keep yourself away from evil, bad persons, treating you unfavorably and who are able to poison you your life. Relationships with them do not contribute to your spiritual growth, and also block you in advancing on your life path.

 I would like to give you some explanation about the Ascension and its symptoms.
 In the he reality, the Ascension of a person begins when that person is spiritually ready for it. Symptoms of Ascension may be manifested as follows: a person starts to get tired, he or she needs more rest; then appear a strange dreams, related or not with extraterrestrial intelligence, or prophetic dreams-precursors, by which ones you can guess something about future events or dreams rich of abundant information, qualitatively useful for the person-dreamer; the consciousness expands and enhances, appears flashes of spiritual enlightenment; also appears some physical sensations, such as tingling on the surface of your skin, sometimes small flashes of white light before you, but there is nothing terrible, if it is the case, sometimes sleepiness, (during these hours, the most quantity of information comes from the outside to your mind, so try to relax or maybe sleep at such a time, it will indisputable help you.) For some, extrasensory abilities emerge, such as seeing auras, gift of healing by hands, clairvoyance, etc., and also the ability of telepathy.

 More and more people will begin to see clearly and come to the idea of a peaceful coexistence, without aggression towards each other.

 We, as well as representatives of the angelic realms are happy to send you our Blessings, Love and Light.

 Thank you, SaLuSa!

Channeled by: NaNiYa